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Filip5011doing the games on Wii would be an actual workout
Feurus Fuchsuswell no shit
Filip5011idk if i can be bothered doing exercise :TotalKappa:
StinkekAt least you'd get to be immersed with the franchise
Feurus Fuchsussoon you'll beat up everyone like Asterix
Filip5011worth going to jail for
Filip5011beat up people as if I'm Asterix
Mr.Rubinshteinnot so fast its nearly impossible to find that version on ebay lol
Mr.Rubinshteinit had a very limited amount of physical copies sold
Mr.Rubinshteinits a limited edition what did you expect
Filip5011I will find the people who own it
Mr.Rubinshteingood luck with that
PegPeregoGauchoI knew a person who owned it
Mr.Rubinshtein14 years passed
PegPeregoGauchobut he sold it unfortunately :/