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Filip5011wonder if the Caesar chronicle files are in the regular game files
Filip5011or at least part of them
Mr.Rubinshteinthere may be a possibility
Mr.RubinshteinELB is very well known for not earsing unused assets
Mr.Rubinshteinespecially when they are on a rush
Mr.RubinshteinXXL and XXL2 are a clear proof to that
Filip5011how so?
Mr.RubinshteinBeta Rome
Mr.Rubinshteinin XXL
Mr.Rubinshteinthat already knows the entire community
Mr.RubinshteinXXL2 which had a leaked beta version which had lot of cuted content from some areas
Filip5011xxl2 cut dance party :TotalKappa:
Filip5011I saw a video of cut content by he who shall not be named about some xxl2 disco party zone
Filip5011idk if its real
Mr.Rubinshteinahh ye its real
Mr.Rubinshteinon of the areas
Mr.RubinshteinELB games are full of mysteries so many things are hidden in them