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MoistMani can't install the game from the iso file, either
MoistManSo I have to reinstall it from the CD
MoistManYou realize the gme works just fine, right?
MoistManIt's just that the drive does not seem to like me
rubinho146Create a zip file of the content of the game
rubinho146And then send it over here
rubinho146To see if it works
MoistManYou mean the game itself?
MoistManIt already works
MoistManWhy would I need to test that>
rubinho146Marty just wants to get the gloc files of french
rubinho146Nothing more
MoistManDo I even have them?
rubinho146You have the original game
MoistManI don't have French
MoistManThe manual smells like a board game
rubinho146If the Wii version has French, the pc version needs to have too