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Martyste TendertailNever heard of that
ĆukaBecause the game is so nostalgic to me
ĆukaGoogle it
Ćukapretty cool story and graphics for the year 2001
Martyste TendertailY'know, there's thousands of obscure games we'll never know about.
Martyste TendertailAlright. Good 3D models.
Martyste TendertailStill that brown inspired from Quake and Doom
MoistManWut is Mega Madness?
MoistManI saw one video on YT about it
MoistManIt looked like a weird party game
MoistManShooting romans out of a slingshot was the only thing I saw
MoistMan@Martyste Tendertail Return to Castle Wolfenstein is one of the most famous shooters ever made
MoistManHow tf is it obscure?
MoistManLike, from what I heard it’s the best FPS ever made
rubinho146Mega madness is a Pc ps1 game from 2001
rubinho146Is a fun game
MoistManDo you know Return to Castle Wolfenstein? @rubinho146