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Filip5011it can't handle AA games on low graphics at 60 fps
StinkekThe game basically looked like something from early PS2 era and was still unstable. Hell, I fell through an island twice.
Filip5011in the final area of the game my water didn't load and I fell down and couldn't get out lol
Filip5011ended up committing suicide in game to fix it lol
StinkekGhost leviathans looked like they were made of glass
Filip5011that's so low quality
StinkekSacrificing graphics just to make it playable on an ancient relic toaster
Filip5011average subnautica glitches
StinkekI've seen people stand on flying birds, but this is a whole other level
Filip5011I've tried to jump on the birds but it's hard to jump at the right angle and time
Filip5011especially with an xbox controller
Feurus Fuchsusanyone knows why Sea Of Thieves is blocked in Russia ?