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StinkekI think I might be guessing, but it's a board game where players take turns, it's basically couch gaming (up to 4 people can play BTW)
StinkekIn theory this could be played via Parsec, but I don't have DOSBox at the moment, I played in the one built into a website
yarnfangI meant as in modding the game for onlnie play... Mostly said as a joke.
yarnfangWould be nice though.
StinkekYou mean, like, gathering up with random players who search for a game?
StinkekAlso I tried playing as 2 characters, but it gets confusing keeping track of their inventories
yarnfangWas more so thinking direct connection like you did with old RTS games.
yarnfangDo want to try to parsec it one day though that would make timing based mini games worse for the clients.
Mr.Rubinshteinevery friday game night of Asterix Caesars challenge with community
Mr.Rubinshteingame for whole family = game for whole community
StinkekEveryone who lags despite the host's 800x600 resolution and 30 FPS is out of the question
StinkekAlthough they may succeed in questions and reflection minigames
StinkekI tried changing Parsec's settings via the text file to HOPEFULLY make it more friendly with poor connections, but I can't test it on my own (the resolution and framerate here are lower than the lowest options offered by Parsec)
StinkekGot DOSBox and the DOS version of Caesar's Challenge. Getting it to work was easier than I expected
StinkekI had to emulate a disk image and direct the emulator to it so it's like I play with a physical disk except not really (this is the case for some 90's to early 2000's Windows games I have)
yarnfangI remember having to do that with some old games as well.
Mr.Rubinshteinthats the case with all asterix games from retro age