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StinkekAnd you gotta be concentrated so you don't mix up the buttons for the protagonist jumping and smacking the Roman
Filip5011I sucked at that one
Filip5011and catapult race
StinkekOh god, not the carts
Filip5011I kept getting slown down by the water
Filip5011and then the AI would combo me with boulders
StinkekI can't help wondering if it's possible to connect two gamepads in Duckstation, but I only have one with a wire
StinkekI had a flightstick but I didn't like it and we put it away so it wouldn't just collect dust...
StinkekAnd frankly the thought of gaming with that thing... it scares me
Filip5011What's a flight stick?
StinkekI had no idea such things existed until my father surprised me with one (and the more "normal" looking gamepad earlier)
Filip5011crazy thing
Filip5011it's like a Wii remote
Filip5011but worse
StinkekI can only remember playing one game where I actually flew a... jet, I think, it was on Xbox 360. I didn't like it
StinkekFortunately it was just a free demo that came with the console
Filip5011~~Aren't all demos free?~~
StinkekWell, yes, I'm glad the XB360 demos don't expire after you play them for an hour or half an hour like those casual PC games are