| Mr.Rubinshtein | hell yea farm the shit out of them lol |
| PegPeregoGaucho | that is incredibly slow still |
| PegPeregoGaucho | most of your helmets you get from multipliers |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | multipliers from kicking romans? |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | |
| PegPeregoGaucho | nooo, i mean in general |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | ah |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | i see |
| Feurus Fuchsus | any advice for the greece boss fight ? |
| PegPeregoGaucho | Schmelings advice: "Just do it" |
| PegPeregoGaucho | |
| AdrienTD | ||buy shields, use Idefix and Launch Roman|| |
| PegPeregoGaucho | ||but to be honest: you can cheese the fight by luring enemies on the bridges|| |
| Feurus Fuchsus | the machine itself is not a huge problem but the fight that comes afterwards is absolute bullshit |
| PegPeregoGaucho | I have updated the file on Google drive. Fixed many bugs and also rebalanced some places i was not happy with. You can download it still under the old link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bLTYhJdhVLJAKvuyyZNhjMLPtUmvOSIv/)
To update your existing game, just follow the instructions 1. Select all the LVL folders
2. Drag them into the folder where you installed the mod to
3. if prompted to replace the files, accept |
| Kaizox | on this new version of Unfair XXL have little changed the script of the game ? |
| Kaizox | for example: XXL1 Font Antialias Fix: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398237334878945292/747906315296440461/xxl1_font_antialias_fix.zip , XXL1 HD French Language Packs,https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398237334878945292/766757869553975346/French_Classic_Pack.7z |
| Kaizox | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398237334878945292/766758432114999306/French_Modern_Pack.7z |
| Kaizox | @PegPeregoGaucho |
| PegPeregoGaucho | not sure what you mean |