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bakuOh, nice, Spork already fix this part
Super mr.alexisI don't know custom maps but nice because I love mods
bakumaybe kill the archers first
bakuWtf is happening with idefix xD
bakuHe is standing on the rock wall
bakuIs this lock bugged or sth ?
baku260 000 ;-;
MariaForgutAlmost all of them are bugged.
MariaForgutFor me.
Super mr.alexisI'm interested in modding but I also use xxl editor but I don't know how to use the thing too much
MariaForgutIf i'm not mistake, i died only 1 time.
Super mr.alexisok
MariaForgutEnteresting Geimpley.
Super mr.alexisxD
MariaForgutBruh, what.