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ViGadeomes1h30 for the all run or a 30 minutes run ?
BenlitzlerIt's just a joke ! But I think that, in fact, we risk going well below 1h15 I think.
ViGadeomesyes definitively
BenlitzlerWith that, the barrels of hell on pirate island are over
ViGadeomesit's hard to tell tho since we didn't test everything x)
BenlitzlerOh no
Martyste TendertailActually that might get me interested in running the game
ViGadeomesare you really ? xD
Martyste TendertailSeeing as I also got a wacom tablet to do the stylus parts
ViGadeomesnow that all the boring stuff is gone with this glitch xD ?
NekinBoom everyone runs this game now :TotalKappa:
ViGadeomespffff, little balls :TotalKappa:
Martyste TendertailI could play on real hardware with my R4i Gold, buuuuut no good capture method, even tho my phone would be very decent and sound capture could be via direct cable feed.
ViGadeomesanyway if you want to it's up to you but you always said that you would never do it xD
Martyste TendertailMy phone itself can run DS games without any lag, but... then I'd need to capture the phone's video footage. The controller wouldn't be an issue, I can plus a PS4 controller with OTG adapters.
ViGadeomesnow that we began to find interesting stuff you come and "hey i want to run this game" :TotalKappa:
BenlitzlerThe barrels are waiting for me
Martyste TendertailAnd I still also feel like doing someday a full PSP run...