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Failentinafter all, there is no button at the end xD
Марія Форґутxd
FailentinXXL2SR getting the short end of the stick, as always :FeelsBadMan:
FailentinI took care of it and also updated the rules, added the GameModule patches at last and uploaded my livesplit layout if anyone would like to use it.
Failentinthanks for the heads-up, Stinkek!
Failentinconcerning the wolf remains in #downloads , someone else will have to do that, since I have no authority over that channel.
Martyste TendertailI think it was intended as "press the boss' final belly button" but i could be wrong
Martyste TendertailTy Stinkek for letting us know about downloads, I cleaned all mentions of him, and left only the one file from him I uploaded, with a warning.
FailentinDidn't the camera tool not work because of DRM anyway? :VitrioThinks:
PegPeregoGauchoWasn't it bound to the system time?
PegPeregoGaucholike, after a certain year it just does not work :automatix:
Failentinyeah something like that
Martyste TendertailYup, If your closk is past 2018 or so, it won't work. Absurd
Martyste TendertailWe could really make use of a replacement for an ingame camera tool. There's certain things we can't capture through XXL editor. Particularly moving things... or some shiny effect
PegPeregoGauchoMaybe Adrien could change the date to 2099 or something like that lol
PegPeregoGauchogiven its not severely obfuscated or encrypted
Martyste TendertailOh yeah, maybe it would be easier to crack it.
Martyste TendertailI surely kept a copy somewhere.