| Martyste Tendertail | Add these files to any of the XXL's main folders to automaticaly launch them in windowed mode. Be careful while changing resolutions in-game, some might not display correctly, use at your own risk. |
| Martyste Tendertail | |
| Martyste Tendertail | |
| Martyste Tendertail | |
| Martyste Tendertail | Old Custom camera tool for XXL ( made by a person with very questionnable ethics, use at your own risks. ) |
| Ćuka | |
| Ćuka | Custom camera tool for XXL - updated! 😄 |
| Noxus94 | |
| Martyste Tendertail | **[MOVED]** Asterix & Obelix XXL/SAVE/AOXXL.sav : replace your file with this one to get a specific game ( Number 3 ) inside which all the druids have been checked but nothing at all has been completed, therefore allowing you to instantly replay any given part of the game like brand new. |
| NoTeefy | These profiles let you load into a specific boss area of the game (they are **uncorrupted** ) and only work for AAO XXL 2 - Mission: Las Vegum Remastered |
| NoTeefy | |
| NoTeefy | |
| NoTeefy | |
| Martyste Tendertail | You can force Asterix XXL to run in windowed mode **without the use of an external program.**
**BEFORE** you get started, if you plan on running the game with widescreen improvements, make sure to start off by booting you game normally, choose a widscreen resolution and see the effects in any level, otherwise the next editing will ignore the camera perspective change COMPLETELY. ( You'll get a cropped 4:3 view if you try widescreen resolutions instead. )
To do so, equip youself with any hex editor, my personnal favorite being **HxD**
Open any of the **patched GameModule.elb files provided above** by NoTeefy you wish to use with your game, and reach address **0x7A5C3** ( In HxD, reach it faster with Ctrl + G )
From there, replace the **A2 24 53 66 00** values that come right afterwards with
**90 90 90 90 90** , then save and exit.
What you effectively did was removing a command that tells the game right when it boots to go in fullscreen mode. It will remain in windowed mode instead. Changing the ingame resolution will no longer have any effect.
You can put a custom resolution inside the file if you desire. Like before, with an hex editor, go to:
**0x7A5F5** for the width ( defaults at 800 )
**0x7A5FC** for the height ( defaults at 600 )
Each value is written in hexadecimal, and reversed.
Ex: **800** is **0x320** in hex, so instead of putting **03 20** in the width address, put **20 03**.
One more time: **3840** (4K) = **0xF00**, so write down **00 0F**
Or, you can even stretch the window itself, the game will dynamically adapt its resolution in a instant!
( Last option not recommended for recording speedruns or anything "legit" )
This hex edit was found by **AdrienTD** .
More to come, for XXL 2 and OG. |
| Martyste Tendertail | **[Moved]**
This is Mettler, the font used by **Asterix & Obelix XXL**
It was originaly used for the entire game in the **PS2** version.
Other releases replaced most of its uses with **Arial**. |
| NoTeefy | **Asterix - OG (No Tages patch)** |
| NoTeefy | **XXL Font Extractions (images only, no TFF) by @PegPeregoGaucho ** |
| NoTeefy | .
Those are the correct GameModules for XXL1 with the Ipatix 64 Bit Patch applied (or an additional widescreen and windowed patch).
The auto-splitter will only support those modules for now, so be sure to use those (rename the files to GameModule.elb after placing them into the install directory) |
| NoTeefy | |
| NoTeefy | |