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KaydjiYou create a monster xD
schmeling65the many archers after third savepoint?
schmeling65ah you mean this with the vikingsboats, do you? where you have get the fire over the whole way up to the end.
schmeling65get the timing correctly, always look at the archers to see when they are shooting and hide behind solid walls. when the timing is right, you bash them.
SimafYeah, just don't flybash there. You probably can't. However the trees and the central mast are good shields against those archers.
SimafI think there are only 1 on the trampoline far away, and 3 per side, on the left and right of the first boat. Those last are the most dangerous. In your priorities, you must take care of them first. You can also manage to spawn them by abusing camera rotation since enemies "always" spawn outside the field of view.
SimafThe last one on the roof can be avoided with a good timing and with the help of the trees on the road...
schmeling65@Feurus Fuchsus just made some quick calculaten if I ever make it through rome without tornado: will take me 15+h without saving which means I'll have to it over multiple days lol. In Holidays when there are no events in other games I'm gonna do it ^^
Feurus Fuchsus:shocked:
schmeling65@Sypervenya the moment I saw your obelix video I thought "Now I know how to pass this area without obelix", but unfortunally.... the wheel isn't there in unfair xxl. welp, atleast there was light in the tunnel again for a short moment.
StinkekI felt sleepy, so I thought that coming back to UXXL would shaken me up a bit. I just wasted about half an hour trying to get to just ONE Save Druid in Helvetia because at some point I was supposed to be playing Asterix, but after dying the game wouldn't switch characters, so I kept going as Obelix and crashed the game as I interacted with a catapult. ... I'll have some snacks with tea to calm myself now while uploading useless raw footage. Where NOBODY talks.
StinkekI could've been drawing potentially disgusting art of a chubby and a twink Romans, which would've been both more enjoyable and productive.
PegPeregoGauchoDrawing is an even bigger waste of time tho :weirdchamp2:
Noxus94how is creating art a waste of time? ô.o
StinkekThat's... a surprisingly inconsiderate thing of you to say, especially to someone who isn't really good at anything else
StinkekSo basically, what I, Marty, Yarny, Buturak, Grandfeldus, etc. do is a waste of time? It's objectively a more productive "waste of time" than playing a game.
StinkekI could speak more about this, but I should probably stop right now, or I'll have trouble sleeping from stress.
AdrienTDMe working on the XXL Editor was also a big waste of time
AdrienTDBut I did improve my programming/RE skills while doing so, so I guess it's wasn't much of a waste