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Noxus94I guess me starting a new tutorial series today for XXL R is also a big waste of time
PegPeregoGaucho@Stinkek the fuck?
PegPeregoGauchoIf you think youre such a good artist and bad at anything else, get a job in art instead of wasting time on drawing soft porn and posting it on the internet for weirdos...
PegPeregoGauchosure you get enjoyment out of it, but thats now how it works
Noxus94wtf is wrong with doing what you want and know to do... It's not the sole purpose in live to get money xD
StinkekI will at some point... You don't need to be mean about it
Noxus94Everything you don't get money for is just "waste of time"?
PegPeregoGauchothats short minded, in reality everything in live revolves around money. You cannot argue about it... if you dont have any money, you will be destined and subject to a sad, homeless life. The reason we all went to school to get a degree is to get a good job to make money. I thought this was pretty clear for everyone
Noxus94I don't say you should do nothing to gain money. But thinking money is all THAT is really short minded
Noxus94if you live just to get money, then I feel very sorry for you
PegPeregoGauchothat is short minded
PegPeregoGauchomoney is the gate to happiness
PegPeregoGauchothe key is solely in your heart and brain
PegPeregoGauchoyou get a tool, then you need to use it
PegPeregoGauchoof course that doesnt mean it needs to be a waste of time, you solely cant work the entire day and let out some steam, its hard to explain
StinkekMe and my big mouth...
StinkekThis is why I hardly socialize anymore
Noxus94well, yeah, I don't understand. But obviously we have enormously different points of view on that topic. Just... pay attention to what you say. "What you're doing is pointless" is never a good meaning to bring to others
Noxus94especially not when you basically say that art is pointless
Noxus94Art in any kind is what makes people stay alive. If we'd all just live without any fun in the world, then we would all die painfully