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Martyste TendertailBut in the world of game ports that aren't Switch exclusives, 30 is what they target
FailentinTower Five
FailentinMaybe they could pay them to fix XXLR as well?
Filip5011:Samright: :Soontm: :Samleft:
rubinho146Another XIII release?
rubinho146:Samright: :Soontm: :Samleft:
rubinho146:Samright: :Soontm: :Samleft:
rubinho146:Samright: :Soontm: :Samleft:
yarnfangPls no >__<
rubinho146Yes, *maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan*
StinkekFrom another server
Failentindamn, that's a mean one
yarnfangPredatory fucks.
StinkekImagine having to go on DeviantArt with Tor again because the images are broken, anyway
StinkekIDK what this is
Stinkektag your stuff plz
Martyste TendertailMan, I had such a dream last night... Big sad it wasn't real. Basically we had found Stale Reference Manipulation in Asterix XXL